Monkey Pox Viz

Moses Otu
3 min readJun 9, 2022

A guide on how the Viz was made. Click here to interact with viz

Calculated Table

Calculated columns are columns created by using calculations. What this implies is that instead of querying and loading values into your new table’s columns from a data source, you create a Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) formula to define the table’s values.

There are several uses cases and functions of Calculated tables, some of the functions include:


Use case for the Monkey Pox VIZ

I used calculated Table here because i needed to create a table that contains columns with a: unique list of countries, ranged grouped of the count of cases, and finally count of countries with both confirmed and suspected cases.The calculated Table used the main Table(Monkey) as source table, as can be seen in the formula above.

How the datagroup was calculated

The datagroup column was important because it would be the legend for my map.

Cumulative Total

The cumulative total is calculated to compute the running sum of a set of input values grouped by a specific hierarchy e.g Dates.
for a more detailed explanation visit this page

Use case for the monkey pox viz

7 Day Average

A moving average means that it takes the past days of numbers, takes the average of those days, and plots it on the graph. For a 7-day moving average, it takes the last 7 days, adds them up, and divides it by 7. For a 14-day average, it will take the past 14 days. Definition gotten from here

Use case on the Monkey Pox viz

Shape Map

The shape map of PowerBI is always mostly manually activated if you are a new user. to activate the shape map follow this simple clicks:

File >> Options and setting >> Option >>preview features >> check Shape map

Including world map on the shape map

By default, there are only a few countries on the shape map visual and we need the map of the world.

To include the map of the world on the shape map, please follow through this video link. Also included is why the shape map is better used instead of the Bubble map and Globe map.


When you over the mouse over the Map or the line chart in the viz above, you would see an additional viz which is intended to be a guide or viz through more context into the particular portion of the viz.

To create the tooltip follow these steps.

  1. In PowerBI create a new page
  2. click on Canvas setting and select tooltip

3. The page will be resized and you can design what ever info you need shown as a Tooltip

4. once done go back to the visual you want the Tooltip on, click on the format pane, turn on Tooltip and then specify the page name of the Tooltip you have designed.

Thank you for reading fflw me on twitter @ tu_babs and Linkedin @ Moses otu

